[Vwdiesel] Injection pump Bosch VE--a ---- ( The fuel sleeve for
beginners )
h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Apr 13 22:28:34 EDT 2004
We now know that the only thing that provides more or less fuel
is the control sleeve.
FAQ : Why do we need the governor ?.
Lets compare a gas Airhead say 1970 carburetor. The airflow regulates fuel
----open the butterfly and the airflow increases with rpm. So you never get more
fuel than the engine can use.
In the VW Diesel the airflow is always wide open and airflow is according to rpm.So the fuel flow
have to be regulated. With no governor moving the sleeve --more fuel than
needed could be supplied. VW being a delicate type diesel that would be disaster.
Say if sleeve was connected to pedal ---- it would be one Smokey the bandit ride.
So there is the answer ----we push the pedal that tells the governor to increase power--- flyballs moves
sleeve very slowly to fit rpm. Governor then keeps moving sleeve as rpm is increased.
With no governor the idle speed would be a problem too. So the engine would either
stall or run full bore.
Now could a diesel work with a carburetor and a butterfly valve ? yes indeed. But what
we got is a hell of a lot better.
The governor and the control sleeve makes for very accurate metering of fuel.
PS: If you push the pedal to the floor in neutral ? what happens.? RPM will increase
to the maximum setting of the governor and then it tells sleeve to spill fuel.So that's all the RPM we will get at no load.
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