[Vwdiesel] Fw: Power Generation --- ( electrical ) (fwd)

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Thu Apr 15 01:07:34 EDT 2004

On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 11:54:09PM -0400, Val Christian wrote:
> Gary,
> I was reacting to the understood assertion that one couldn't generate power 
> for their own use.  Hence the slightly non-standard, unable to connect 
> to the grid parameters.

    That's what the guerilla renewable movement is all about -- in those areas
that don't have netmetering laws, people just hook it up to the grid anyway,
without telling the utility and run their meters backwards. Just make sure to
not let it turn it back so far it's showing a negative use each month. Screw

> That's all.
> Val
> ps: I was only kidding on the DC stuff, although it is somewhat common to
> have 12 VDC off grid household systems.  

   Or 24vdc (a lot of military surplus stuff for that, plus it's best for
inverters) or 32vdc (a lot of boat stuff runs on that), or, for that matter,
just run your whole house on 120vdc -- the light bulbs will all be fine, as will
the wiring, and your appliances that need AC can have inverters. There used to
be a whole lot of normal stuff that was AC/DC, worked on either. 

Harmon Seaver	
Hoka hey!

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