[Vwdiesel] Dieselfuel 101 part 13 -- ( Microbes ---them little grabbers )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Apr 15 14:50:17 EDT 2004

I have to call on "OUR"  resident   Micro Biologist to answer this one and I shall
add it to   Fuel 101 and Dieselfuel 101. later.

FAQ # 1.  :     Where do the little grabbers come from ????.

FAQ # 2.  :     How many different types do we need to worry about  ????

FAQ # 3.  :     What is name of the most troublesome  ????.

Sure hope you write a Microbes 101.      they are a big problem.


PS:   Anyone with something of value --now is the time.


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