[Vwdiesel] Injection pump VE Bosch --- ( lets master the
little devils )
Doyt W. Echelberger
Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Sat Apr 17 13:57:03 EDT 2004
OK Hagar....Here is a quote from my "Diesel Fuel Injection, 5th Edition."
Author is talking about the 4 cylinder engine injector pump:
pg. 13...."Idle speed, maximum speed, and injection timing can be adjusted
with workshop equipment; the stop solenoid can be replaced, the fuel
delivery valve body can be replaced, but any internal problems means
replacement of the pump."
pg.15...."vane pump delivery pressure is between 3 and 7 bar, depending on
engine speed, and it is controlled by the regulating valve.....(pump
delivery pressure) controls the injection timing advance mechanism." ""The
vane pump and distributor plunger injection pressures cannot be checked
easily with normal workshop equipment."
pg. 16...."....cam plate and rollers push the plunger and pressurize the
fuel to about 1,800 psi.
pg. 20........cold start cam stops affecting injection timing beyond 2,200 RPM.
pg.21....Checking ignition timing with cold start knob pushed in: Remove
bolt from end of pump. Mount adaptor 2006 in pump. Turn crankshaft until
flywheel TDC mark is aligned with pointer on transmission housing. Install
dial gauge to read about 3 mm. Turn crankshaft backward until dial gauge
needle stops moving. Set dial gauge to read exactly 1 mm. Turn crankshaft
forward to TDC. Dial gauge should read 0.88 mm movement (1.15 mm movement
applies to only 1980 Rabbits which have yellow paint mark on pump advance
If necessary, loosen 4 mounting bolts on pump. Turn pump body until dial
gauge reading is correct. Re-tighten bolts and recheck injector timing.
Doyt Echelberger
84 rabbit D, 85 Jetta TD
At 09:22 AM 4/17/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: H.Hagar
>To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:15 AM
>Subject: Injection pump VE Bosch --- ( lets master the little devils )
>Jeff Rakus : Post all the numbers on pump and help will follow.
>The Pump battalion is gathering recruits --- we are the special forces on
>injection "The Seals" .
>William A Thomson , Gary Orlando , Scott Kair , Loren , Nate , Sandy , and
>many more
>are interested in nailing this pump down ---
>A lot of pumps are to be had for very little money. So pump is scrapped
>? ---
>the four delivery valves are worth money --- the regulator valve ---the
>solenoid --
>so by the time you add it up even a RUSTY pump is worth money.
>The biggest obstacle is the --protection of information by Bosch and
>Repair stations.
>If I get it you will all get it ---read my lips.
>Here is what I got : Basic VE pump ,internal pressure . Pump VW 068 130
>Pump RPM 500 2.4 to 3.0 bar. 750 3.5 to 4.1 bar 1000 4.6 to 5.2.
>And that was difficult to get .
>They are worried about the Gorilla repair movement. They like to charge
>you for a complete
>overhaul when in reality all you need is a dollar "O" ring.
>If I live long enough I will get it all. Man was I close to sign up for
>a repair course.
>And fun it is. like being a HAM or an Aviator.
>PS: And William I agree ----lot of bend over stuff.
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