[Vwdiesel] Tradeoffs and Cheap Lube (long)

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Tue Apr 20 21:18:46 EDT 2004

On 20 Apr 2004 at 21:36, Val Christian <val at swamps.roc.ny.us> wrote:

> To clarify a few things...

<snip interesting background on oil habits :-) >

> 	In the end, I don't really know what is right, but I do know 
> 	where I have an imperfectly formed comfort level.  And all of
> 	this writing has served to remind me that I have 15 gal of used
> 	oil to get recycled.

In a pinch, some of this could be used a chainsaw bar oil... I still can't find my jug of 
chain oil, and the used oil jugs were handy, and well, I was in a rush, so...

Really, it can't be *that* much worse for the environment than new chain oil can 


Shawn Wright
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