[Vwdiesel] RE: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 6, Issue 31

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 26 10:34:09 EDT 2004

I've always used mineral oil on the '85 Jetta TD.
Reason being is its HIGH oil consumption. After buying
it used w/ 56,000 miles I unfortunately discovered it
used a quart every 750 miles! Did not leak a drop
though. At 200,000 miles I put new rings in the motor
(it had a broken compression ring, and who knows for
how long) and at that point, oil usage was about a
quart every 500 miles.

Synthetic oil would be very expensive in cases like

--- TexasTDI <texasvwdriver at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Of course a diesel engine will last 250k miles. 
> I've even seen diesel
> engines last 500k miles with no rebuilds and using
> dino oil.
> The main reason everyone should use synthetic oil is
> because it saves them
> money.  It saves them money because it dramatically
> extends your oil drain
> intervals.  And by extending your oil drain
> intervals, you will also reduce
> the ever growing dependence on foreign oil.
> 60% of all the oil the U.S. used last year was
> foreign oil.
> Christopher J. Thornton
> 1991 VW Jetta 2 Door 1.6 Diesel - 241k miles
> 2000 VW Golf 1.9 TDI (turbo diesel) - 99k miles
> AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants Dealer #1098500
> http://www.amsoil.com
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "greg rich" <greg4vwparts at hotmail.com>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:03 AM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] RE: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 6,
> Issue 31
> > I think one important point here that I can
> honestly comment on, any VW
> > diesel would last too 200-250k miles with minimal
> maintenace and cheap
> oil,
> > but having an engine last too 500k miles without
> rebuilding is common with
> > synthetics and careful monitoring.  I have owned
> about 12, many were
> abused
> > when I got them but still ran fine (all had over
> 200k). It is getting the
> > engine to double that life that takes some special
> care and high quality
> > lubes, especially when 5 months of the year have
> below freezing temps at
> > night.
> > My fathers 300 SD td Mercedes went 300k miles on
> regular oil with regular
> > changes (5k intervals), then we fixed any leaks
> and went to synthetic, now
> > we run 10k intervals with a filter inbetween, the
> car has never been
> happier
> > (now at 500k) and zero consumption/leaks. I have a
> harder time running my
> > TDI that long cause the oil STINKS after 6-7k due
> to the EGR (and it is
> shut
> > down as much as the computer allows).
> > I am not trying to stir up anyones anger, but I
> firmly believe if you want
> > an engine to last (I mean LAST 500k+) you have to
> use the best (synthetic,
> > group 4 diesel oil) especially in turbo
> applications and obviously take
> good
> > care of the car so the rest is still around as
> long as the engine!
> > I would say most people are quite happy if their
> car passes 200k and then
> no
> > longer care about, it has paid for itself and is
> no longer reliable in
> their
> > view, I am the opposite, I find there is no reason
> a 500k VW is not
> > reliable. I have never had any serious engine
> problems or failures in the
> > ten years of VW diesels I have had, and over a
> million miles already
> between
> > the four drivers in the family and 12 cars. No
> headgaskets even.
> > I have had to retire a couple due to rust (rusty
> when I got them, drove
> them
> > till the drivers seat fell out!) but I still used
> syn oil etc cause the
> > engine lives on in another car... Now I kinda
> wished I had kept them, they
> > are getting rare all of a sudden, no more cheap
> transportation!
> > I do see Val's point about cost over lifetime, but
> what if the engine
> never
> > wore out? I also fo three times the distance he
> does between changes, much
> > less oil use and it kinda pays for itself then
> (the syn price difference).
> I
> > have not installed any bypass oil filters yet,
> maybe this summer and then
> I
> > will really extend the drain intervals!
> > Greg
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