[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 111 ---- ( a VW diesel Sub ? )
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Aug 18 16:56:46 EDT 2004
Val Christians plastic plane with surplus turbo jet engines ? crazy ? not at all.
I had cockpit time in a BD- 5 jet --- does it perform or what ? very impressive.
Terminal engines are very cheap in the USA at times. I did not know about cruise missile engines
being sold. --- but target drone engines may wind up in a scrap yard cheap.
I flew a terminal type engine for a long time on a Bensen Gyrocopter ---it was powered by
a "Mukkelok" McCullough 100 cubic inch two stroke 4 cylinder target drone engine.
My info say it was designed to last 6 hours. At that time 1963 it was the most powerful
aircraft engine in the world horses per pound. It was a boxer or pancake or whatever.
145 octane gasoline and AD-100 oil mix. and did she go WOW On floats I took the rotor off
and blew the hydroplanes on Alluette lake out of the water ---they had the idea that
they were fast. They were , but 80 MPH ? not quite . The Bensen would do about
120. --- NO I did not I got scared.
Hagar's cement submarine is not a joke --- Hull made of cement and steel --- Battery Nicad
Diesel VW 1.5L NA 20 foot snorkel . Why cement ? cheap and it has incredible
compressive strength. And it last a long time. And it is heavy , you need neutral buoyancy.
I have it all here --- big cement rings ---batteries ---drive motors --controls---VW diesels
when is the launch ? --- never --the grim reaper is stopping the project. yikes.
I know that Gary Bangs will like this thread. We do have a lot of inventive minds here
and who would not call Bede or Rutan and guys like that --- inventive minds ?.
So I do declare Val Christian and Mark Shepherd and Harmond Seaver and---
those of you where the shoe fits inventive minds. Yes I am one.
Loren and his moped ? yes he is one. How do we become this way ? hell if I know,
but it feels real good when your invention works like stink ? ---you agree ?.
Stupid question ? ---- yes.
Lets take a look at Florida ---- would a thousand VW 1.5L NA gensets make a difference
like right now ? Nothing would be more cost effective IMHO.
We have become too dependent on electricity --but if we need volts and water , lets do something about it.
Nobody in this forum that I can think of would have problems solving those problems.
Yes VOLTS and WATER ---there you are ------ what the hell did we do before ?
I know and I liked the candles and bath in that stave tub ---with a nice woman scrubbing my back ?
it was great --- let me tell you if you did not have that experience. I would like to go
back --if only for a day. ------ what joy ---pure joy.
So if you are in Florida and a sweaty nabor needs a shower --? think ? if you have lots of water.
I have talked to a lot of woman --- and believe me NOTHING is more important to a woman ,
than a good shower. ------- and that is hard to find in some parts of Florida today.
A man ? shit all he needs is a COLD beer. yes I am one.
PS: the pure joy of just being alive ? you bet.
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