[Vwdiesel] FW: 83 Diesel Vanagon timing update.

Mary Beth and Chris Geiser geiser at execpc.com
Fri Aug 20 09:45:14 EDT 2004

Guys - anyone have any further advice for Ken on getting this engine
started?  He's not on this list, so I'll forward stuff back to him, or
you can email him directly at:
kenwilfy at COMCAST.NET

BTW, Ken is a very good parts source: www.vanagain.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Vanagon Mailing List [mailto:vanagon at GERRY.VANAGON.COM] On Behalf
Of Kenneth Wilford
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:07 PM
To: vanagon at GERRY.VANAGON.COM
Subject: 83 Diesel Vanagon timing update.

I worked on this van some more today and still no start.  Here is what I
1. I checked and confirmed that the timing mark for TDC on the clutch
pressure plate was indeed correct by removing an injector and feeling
TDC with a piece of wire touching the top of the piston head.
2. I replaced three of the injectors with brand new ones.
3. I double checked that the shut off solenoid was functioning properly.
It is and I am getting a good amount of fuel to the injectors.
4. I double checked the fuel pump timing.  I found the mark on the rear
of the pulley and it lines up with the arrow pointing to it on the
engine tin (this is a later model 1.6l engine) perfectly when the engine
is at TDC.
5. When I had all of the injectors removed I visually watched all four
glow plugs glow brightly.

6. I marked the position of the fuel pump.  Then I moved it a little at
a time to the left of the mark and then a little to the right of the
mark.  Either place the engine did the same thing.  At idle I will get
nothing.  If I move the throttle to full acceleration I will get a
steading popping and exhaust smoke coming out of the pipe, but no actual
starting and running.  It sounds like it is only firing on one or two

I really appreciate all of the help that you folks gave on the last
post.  If you have ever had a similar situation please let me know.
This van has been off the road for about 5 years.  The engine was
supposedly from a good running low mileage car that was owned by a
reputable mechanic.  The was crashed and the engine removed and put in
this van.  However I think the last owner gave up on the van because
they could not get it to start.  Please help me get this beast to start.
I will be dancing in the streets!

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-327-4936
Fax: (856)-327-2242

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