[Vwdiesel] Miser's ACME Carbon removal Co.

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Mon Aug 30 23:54:31 EDT 2004

I just had to do that to my good church-grade pants.  Wandered through 
the garage and brushed up against one of the projects.  Granted, it 
wasn't a real deep soaking of oil, but it was a very light pair of 
pants.  As quick as I could legally shed them, I ground in some Gojo and 
washed them.   Came out fine.  I don't think it would work so well on my 
work clothes, but I woldn't want to look like a novice in the garage 

Chemically, it would work out best if all the oil was C14.  Then, we'd 
just have to wait a couple thousand years for the oil to de-stabilize 
and in several iterations of 5730 years (half-life), our clothes would 
be spotless. 


LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>Have you tried Goop (or the like) hand cleaner?  It sure takes it off of
>skin and they say it works on clothes.  Loren, you shouldn't be working
>on your diesel in "school clothes"!  I would be in real trouble at home
>if I did that!
>  I have some of the orange and it not only does a great job on the oil but 
>get's old oil and diesel smell off your hands.  Doesn't get all the black 
>out of clothes though.  :(    Inevetably, I end up under the car, in clothes 
>I shouldn't be under there in (time, opportunity and such) and there 
>comes a drip!  Actually it's my daughter's school clothes I'm working 
>on right now.  How many get their DAUGHTERS to help under the cars?  
>Nya, nya!    ;-)
>     Loren
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