[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 136 ---- ( Hayden selling a Pickup ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Dec 16 16:16:50 EST 2004

I have the money in the cookie Jar   and I am looking for a Turbo   VW Pickup. ?

So Hayden send me some details. and pictures.

I am an old military horse  and I say tell your son to flunk out in boot camp.

I did not serve in NATO   with my eyes and ears closed.     Bad time to enlist IMHO.

The very minute he signs ?   he is a mercenary.  And he has to go ----no way of refusing.

Navy is better than Marines and what not but NOW ?  they are all bad.

Canada is now taking in more US service dodgers than for a long time THOUSANDS of
deserters   ---in Nam times it was about 55000 ---and we had a slew of them right here.
They were behaving nice so no problems. Actually they were an asset to Canada .IMHO.
They had the brains and the fit bodies.      Cowards and traitors ?   not the ones that I met.
I am a coward ?   step right up and face me ---you will be sorry.   Yes I am in Canada 
because of Nam. For the same reason Staufenberg tried to knock off Hitler.

son, who has been driving my Caddy, has enlisted in the Navy and will 
soon be leaving for boot camp.
  Hayden Chasteen

Hagar .  

PS :  easy to get in   --but HARD to get out.  Go rent  Catch -22.

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