[Vwdiesel] How to halt rust

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Dec 23 01:52:48 EST 2004

> Mix kerosene and old engine oil and spray under car also
> inside panels/rocker/sills dries to a 'damp' waterproof
> finish

  That's the method my Dad would want to use.  Smothering to stop 
O2 access works but it really just slows the rust well.  It's still there.  
Kind of like cancer in remission.  It can come back when you don't 
expect it.  Using something like POR - 15 or Rust Mort and an epoxy 
primer/sealer or good topcoat and you actually convert the rust that 
was there AND seal it.  Converted rust is no longer there and can't 
aid in starting more.  :-)

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