[Vwdiesel] Monitoring GPs how it operates...

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Dec 23 05:16:12 EST 2004

 As my descriptions are fairly 'piss poor' to say the least
confusion is likely to reign which is why I'm going to
explain operation (as I see it)...
After car has started (or not) power to the glowplugs
naturally turns off. These 4 circuits I'm introducing  now
use the glowplugs as a route to earth and the 4 LEDs will
glow if their +ves are powered up.
Once the plug dies and its driving supply switches off there
is now no earth and the LED goes out as the 'power dode'
stops the LED doing a 'terminator' and re-routing through
the other good GPs }8OD)
Your  (my Patent) pretty display now shows only 3 out of 4
LEDs glowing...Bingo :o) You can now say to your passenger
service on no.2 cylinder required...

Mark(The Miser)UK

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