[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug testing ---- ( the FAST FAST way. ).
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Dec 29 13:51:34 EST 2004
> A : yes look in archives.
I don't get upset by it, but I don't think it is a great response.
Hagar sez : Plese do not get upset --- that was the mostest I could do at that time.
By all means ask any time anything. Like Andrew I like the chatter about any
and ALL things. ----Lorens Tales Vals tales, James Hansen tales ,Mike in NB and his
stuff und zu weiter und zu weiter I read it all Dry information is not typical in this forum.
Getting to know the people behind the questions --EH ? ---now it is getting
interesting. To read things from Gavrik Peterson in Japan ? super say I.
I spy a lot on stealerhips and what type of tools they use and so on. The first
Rabbit question I pulled out of the hat ? Are all the plugs glowing ? While I was
there a woman pulled in and she said she had starting problems. And the mechinic was a
really nice guy. He let me observe and explained as he tested womans Rabbit.
First he disconnected wire at # 4 plug Red with 4 white stripes. Then he connected
an Ammeter . About 50 amps full scale. I am going to spare you the rest (at 50 dollars/hr).
I looked in amazement at how slow and expensive the process was.
I then went home and designed a test setup as follows:
A 2 foot wire # 14 gauge with a crock clip both ends. Clip one to busbar at # 4 plug.
Then clip the other to the positive terminal on battery. ( short time now )
Just long enoughf to get a reading with a digital or analog meter . as follows.
To test # 1 plug ? connect on Plug # 1 and # 2 on millivolt scale. On my analog I go microamps.
No voltage ? plug NO GOOD.We are measuring drop on bussbar. Then go to
# 2 and # 3 -----and so on if you can not figure the rest let us know.
Total time for me ? less than 2 minutes.
The mechanic explained that if for some reason the injectors were
not installed ? ---BINGO good time to look at the plugs --they can be seen
glowing down there.
If you still need help ? ---we are ALL here --NO PROBLEMO.
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