[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug testing ---- ( the FAST FAST way. ).Explain more please

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Dec 30 10:13:32 EST 2004

The Hillbilly electrical wizards  SAGA.

I got my first lesson about electricity 70 years ago ----  and I am still learning.

My Volks split and I was taken in by my mothers older sister and  Onkel Helmuth.

They could not have children   so they spoiled me ROTTEN.

First lesson ?    The use of your tounque as a battery charge tester (Hellesens Dry Cells)
does it work ?   bet your ass   --to this day I can take a 9 volt put my tounque on it
and say ---DEAD.
Lesson number two ?    The NEON bulb.     great big bulb with two big coils of
wire as electrodes.  ---   For a night light ?  amazing amount of red light.    He said
it will not drive the meter.

So you see I was off to a good start. ----------------   then came the finger in the socket  etc  etc and so on.

I passed my exsam at Hogwarts school of electrical Wizardry years ago.   
What do you get when you cross an electrical EEL and a NEON fish ?

 Nuff said I passed.

Back to the Glowplugs.       I use a AVO METER  8  MK III.     on the 50 
microamp scale and it works like crazy.     BUT I shall do some more tests and
find the most practical way for BEGINNERS.    The HAM group   has no
problems .   So Hillbilly testing is IT.

Years ago I came across a lot of sattelite dish  RCA    kits  as surplus.  So I grabbed
a bunch. In the kits was a very small Compass,    Super tool for testing things electrical.

0.4 inch thick  1.6   inch diameter.   all plastic case.  Perfect for electrical trobleshooting.

Just because I am a Hillbilly   do not think I am unaware of Hall effect,Miller effect,Lentz law
and Kirchoffs Law  Up Amps and Down Amps etc.   Remember I come from Oersted and Niels Bohr  land.   ---- And now ? Land of windmills.  (they are a blight on the landscape)
Give me an OLD DUCH mill any time. Sorry   Harmond Seaver  they do NOT use squirrel cage motors .

Just for fun ---how does a Hillbilly test polarity of spark on a gasser ?   with a lead pencil.

Derek     measure from #  1   to # 4  and let us know.   what you get. in millivolts.

Stay TUNED and help is on the way.    The minute you have all the new plugs in let
us know.    Then I shal tell you what is a good idea.


PS :    Stay tuned more info on the way.

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