[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug testing ---Rabbits 1977 to 1984. .

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Dec 30 11:39:59 EST 2004

If you want to know about the value of the glowplug ?   in winter ?   

James Hansen   , Sandy Cameron   and all those Canucks   with  VW Diesels.
They will tell you.

Want to fiddle around in a snowdrift in 42 below ?  with OLD plugs ?    I say at the start
of winter  install a NEW set.  and a NEW battery.

If I was in Ontario  still   ----I would have a seperate battery for the plugs.   Just
like I had a seperate battery for the Ignition on my gassers.    Now that I have all the
skills and smarts for Cold weather starting ?   I live in banana land   BC .

That is where they count the Roses at Christmas.    ----Victoria  BC.   Palm trees
and ROSES ?   go figure. ---THAT ? is Canada ?

So what is this thread about ?    Considering  that changing a plug is a PITA.
Install a set of 3. --------  Does lightbulbs and Glowplugs have a defined number of hours 
service life ?   yes indeed. ---------- save the ones that are still good and use in slot # 4.
So a set is 3 ?   right you are.
 Can we tell if all four are working ?   in a simple test ? yes.    No need to disconnect
anything.-------- more to come.


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