[Vwdiesel] First over the road with TD Caddy...musings and observations

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Feb 1 23:45:09 EST 2004

6) The Autotech EGT gauge reacts MUCH faster than my VDO gauge (can you 
say 1000 degrees F!)

  One thing.  On older pyrometer probes or ones that just seem to be 
responding slowly or not as high as you think they should.  Pull it and 
take it to a wire brush, on a grinder motor preferably.  Clean that sucker 
up and try again.  That thin film of carbon can do some tremendous 
insulating!  I took a torch to mine once and glowing nearly like a glow 
plug, it didn't register all that high.  After a cleaning I merely STARTED to 

take the torch to it and whang!  It started climbing so fast I pulled the 
away immediately!  Big difference!

> "slow down your speed is" radar devices and found to be 
> accurate.  Anyway the truck speedo is 5-7 mph slow!!!!!!  

  At what speed?  The % is what you deal with when setting a speedo 
by changing gears.  Assuming you're talking about roughly 60mph, you're 
only going to gain about half of that by changing the gear as I recall.

> tranny with stock size tires and wheels, a new speedo cable and a 
> rebuilt speedo head from a rabbit (actually I just fixed the broken 
> odometer gear) with code 1575.  The gear on the end of the cable is 
> white.  I know that it should not have the red one right?  What about 
> that green one people were taking about? 

  I don't remember right off but it seems like the gears are 21, 22 and 
23 teeth, give or take one.  My Rabbit isn't where I can take a peek at 
it but it seems like it has a 4 in the number, like 1475 or 1545 or such.  
A lower code, by another 3% roughly (1525?) in combination with the 
gear would do it.  Likewise a 1450 would as well.  If you have access 
to a CNC, chuck the tip of the speedo to it and set the speed for 1575
rpm and see what your speedo reads.  That code is the 60mph calibration 
speed.  :)

>   I have new nozzles on the way and will rebuild them and 
> then have them reset to the proper injection pressure.  

  I found it's usually as cheap and certainly easier to just get rebuilt 
injectors.  That way if it's bad, which they sometimes are, you can 
get a replacement plus the cost is usually about the same as nozzles 
and paying someone to set them up plus the time you save.

> thing that I am a bit concerned about is the water temp gauge.  Temp 
> registers at about 1 click above middle after a good romp down the high 
> way.  

  Seems like that's about what most I've noticed have run at.  Either a bit 
above or just below middle, unless the stat isn't working right, or it has a 
92C in it.  Then it tends to run about 2/3.

>  Last but not least, I have installed a EGT gauge 
> and when crusing at the corrected mph of 65 it reads between 600 and 
> 700 degrees F.  Anyone else have an EGT on there TD to let me know what 
> a "normal" range is.  This is a bit higher than I see in normal 
> cruising on my 98 TDI so I am a bit concerned.  

  Depends HEAVILY on head wind, road condition, canopy, etc on an A1 
body!  I'd say anywhere from a high 500 to 800 is normal.  A bad injector 
or two will rais that by 100 to 200.  My Jetta runs about 600 to 700 at 
60 lately and has a noticeable miss at idle.  Bad injector.  It usually runs 
a hundred or two lower than now.  It's also slower to drop temp and quicker 
to go up.  Intercooler will drop about 1:1 off of the exhaust temp.

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