[Vwdiesel] thoughts on TDI

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at uvm.edu
Thu Feb 5 17:43:28 EST 2004

We have about8 TDI's in our area. Diagnosing them is more complicated than the
older diesels. They all have the OBD port. You need a software package such as
VAG-COM (www.rosstech.com)to communicate with the computer. Although it is way
more complicated to work on, the sensors and computercan be quite useful. You
can monitor and record engine pameters, and tweak some of them. The computer
will store fault codes, telling you of possible areas of concern 

Quoting dave <kysard55 at suscom.net>:

> I have had an 85 Jetta diesel NA,  the engine is in great shape
> (rebuilt) but the body/suspension is not.  It needs a new front
> suspension, door handles, transmission,  the windshield flange is rusted
> thru.  I have been considering a TDI but the thing I like about my 85 is
> the simplicity of the engine,  the fact that it can run with a single
> 12V input to the fuel cutoff solenoid, no computer, no cam sensor,  very
> easy to maintain and troubleshhot.  How is the TDI?  Does the TDI have
> OBD2?  Is it easy to hook up a diagnostic program to a TDI via laptop
> (like a GM).
> Dave
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