[Vwdiesel] Smokey -- the Rabbit --( Todd read archives )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Feb 10 11:54:34 EST 2004

You got it all over me ---at least you know the history of the thing. Let us know
the model and where it was stored (locale)  and if you have a good place to work on it.

After having gone through the same exercise with a number of Rabbits 1980 times
two  one 1982 1.6NA and a 1984 1.6L Turbo here is what I would do now
based on what I learned up till now.

This is aimed at Todd Braman.  :   First I would dump as much old fuel as possible.
Fill with  " FRESH" fuel.  Remember storage life is 6 month.(Sarnia Refiner ESSO)

Then do as Gary Gbangs suggested ---take her out and run the snot out of it for about
an hour.

If no improvement  and you still suspect fuel   --- simpley run the thing on a plastic container 
with good fuel.   If that does it (I doubt) clean the tank and screen and install new filter.
For details look in archives 2002  and 2003.

If clean fuel does not do it the a Hillbilly timing procedure will do the job.(I think).

For that procedure you need no Dial indicator or compression tester or nothing.
No worry about green dots yellow dots   hell I had one with so many dots I never counted them.

Here is an abbreviated start on procedure.   Remove timing belt cover and leave it off for
duration.  Remove big nylon plug from tranny.  Get yourself a new gasket for VC.Do not
use it until you are happy with the way engine performs.

Remove VC,  --  set flywheel exactly on TDC. with number  # 1   valves closed . Make sure 
slot on the free end of camshaft is parallel with top of cylinder head.

Then look at timing marks on top of pump and sprocket lines up . If not adjust by rotating pump
in bracket. Piece of cake . Remember to crack the four lines loose every time you move pump
to relieve strain on lines.

Here is where the Hillbilly timing really starts to do its job. It is ready to start.

The pump needs cleaning so get a can of  Lubro Moly diesel purge.   some fuel line and run
it from a big coffeecan. Use your imagination  ---like get a cheap inline filter and use it
at the input banjo.Run return and inflow line to can. no need to worry about injector return
let them spill (miniscule) however the return banjo must go back to can.
To start engine -- remove top banjo " OUT" and fill to the brim.Then start.

Run for a minute or so to fill pump , then let sit for 15  to soak varnish deposit in pump.
For the rest   just follow print on can. 

All this done it is now ready for some serious timing.           Have fun.                  Hagar.

PS: Like Gbangs said make sure there is lot of valve clearance.Remember
when timing, that cold start lever must be just touching rise on camlobe.See Bentley.
About storing ?   Jet fuel stores a lot better than Furnace oil.

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