[Vwdiesel] Ford diesel hard starting

david raistrick keen at type2.com
Wed Feb 18 12:12:34 EST 2004

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> > Ether should be the last resort, and can shorten engine life significantly.
> I know that's the standard answer but I'm curious as to actually why.  I've

At least on my Mitubitshi tractor, there has been much evidence of ether
causing the precombustion chamber, or possibly the chambers liner, to
break away from the head, falling to the obvious conclusion.

I'm assuming this is caused by the ether combusting /in/ the precombustion

Never had any issue with this on any of our VWs...but I havent had
the head off this Mitsi to see how it's built, either, though.

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