[Vwdiesel] Blotter testing --- of lube oils ( using printer paper )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Feb 28 13:35:42 EST 2004

Why --  do we help each other ???? 

Be danged if I know ---   but it makes sense.

Due to the thin samples  , I am willing to look at any sample I receive
by mail. And I will take pictures of my samples , and email them so you 
fellas can get an idea of what to expect.

On a normal engine there is a predictable rate of narrowing of the clear
band in relation to mileage. Any trouble will show up on blot , giving an early 
warning signal .

Case history :     Car   Honda Prelude    (wife Louanne owner)  mechanic Hagar.

Looking at blotter file   the brakefluid showed a black ring , about 3/8 inch diameter.
Spot had been absolutely clear for years.

Shortly after test  brakes failed completely ---- yes both systems. By luck I 
was driving.  Managed to get her home and did an investigation.

Here is what happened :

The prelude is a Honda , made in Japan .  It is a deluxe type. (lots of mula)
Leaving Japan the engine compartment is sprayed with a coating of (beeswax ?)
waxy corrosion inhibitor.A great idea.
Louanne get a place to "detail" her car -- yup that's what she called it.Included
was a steam cleaning of engine compartment . A dumb idea. (she is a cleaning freak)
Water was forced in to brake-cylinder --- guess the rest.
I replaced master cylinder and all was well.    

So do I blotter all fluids ????  yes everything. ---including fuel and antifreeze.

Is it a big chore to do ???  not at all  , hell if you are organized we are talking minutes.

Spring is almost here hang on --  I dream of driving Pacific Highway this year
every gorgeous mile. ---wish I had a convertible.     


PS:  No I have not forgot about all you people in Norway,Denmark,Sweden,
Iceland,Finland,Germany   etc etc etc.    have fun. oh and Mark Shepherd in UK.

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