[Vwdiesel] idle switch, diesel leak, oily engine block

Scott Alexander salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu
Fri Jan 2 17:21:11 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 17:13, Mark LaPlante wrote:
> I figured that much out.

Sorry.  :)

>  I was wondering which way the connector should 
> be pointed. Or another point of reference is the part number stamped on 
> the part. The accelerator doohickie seems to contact the switch 
> slightly differently depending on how the switch is put in. I seemed to 
> be getting some intermittent continuity to the switch with the throttle 
> at idle. The plunger seems to be separated from the baffled grommet 
> part of the switch. Not sure if that is normal or not.

I can't help on that bit.  A PO removed the upshift "relay".  Both of my
switches have exposed plungers since the rubber boot thing is about 50%
gone.  My conclusion was that I'd take the macho approach and figure I
didn't need a light to tell me when to shift (particularly after looking
at the prices of the bits to put it all back together :).

> I have noticed the upshift light coming on when coasting around a 
> downhill 270 degree offramp. I usually put it into third gear, which 
> brings the rpm up, but I guess I don't really get the engine braking of 
> a gas engine in a diesel, right? Or does the compression help slow the 
> car?

I'll be interested to hear other answers on this since my car is a
recent acquisition and has spent more time getting stuff fixed than on
the road.  I did, however, do a quick experiment on a steep hill with
the clutch in and out and concluded that I didn't feel any engine
braking.  (Of course the speedo gear was missing from the trans when I
bought the car, so I was going buy seat of pants rather than a gauge.)

> Mark
> On Friday, January 2, 2004, at 04:02 PM, Scott Alexander wrote:
> > Assuming that you are talking about the electrical switch which sits on
> > top of the fuel pump, it should be pointed so that the accelerator
> > doohickie pushes it when the accelerator is not being pressed.
Scott Alexander <salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu>

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