[Vwdiesel] Diesel Braking

Dana Morphew kadm at pugetsound.net
Sat Jan 3 14:07:47 EST 2004

> > > cylinders.  This vacuum, (@ 25 lbs. or a bit less than 2 atm.), causes
>  Did you mean 25 inches of mercury, not 25 PSI? That's more representative of
> the kind of vacuum you'd expect to find in a gasser intake manifold.
>  It's a physical impossibility to have any more than 1 atmosphere worth of
> vacuum. Most you can get is 29.92" at sea level and less the higher you go up.

Yes, indeedy...inches is what is written on my VDO gauge.  Ya know, I had 
walked out, before I typed it as "lbs.", to check the gauge for what the 
units were, and, by the time I got back in the house, "inches" became typed 
as "lbs." :(.  Mercy three times.

>   Lee
>   Oo-v-oO
>   KB1GNI
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