[Vwdiesel] Brakes --- engine brakes -- ( The physics of it ).

Paul ptk9417 at ritvax.isc.rit.edu
Thu Jan 8 00:02:28 EST 2004

Hey Lee,

	I can most definately say the engine braking power between the rabbit and the tdi is night and day!  Maybe I need to smack the nanny in the butt and get her to behave..  It's not bad like loren's 914, but still kinda drawn out.. I will have to do a test in the spring once the snow is gone and see what the decel distance is of both cars from 50 to 15 or something..  A nice reason to look forward to spring time.

A couple years back one of my neighbors at RIT had an eclipse.  4 cylinder 2.0l I believe.. That behaved the same as the tdi.. letting off the pedal wouldn't really slow the car down.  I took my neighbor for a spin in the rabbit and he was astonished at how much engine braking it had..

I might be because of how I have the pump in the rabbit.. because of the aftermarket turbo, I have the fueling well above stock and the idle much lower.  Maybe the governor flywheel had less effect with these settings.. I donno.. but I like it this way.


On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 17:11:24 -0500
Lee Hillsgrove <hillsgrove at adelphia.net> wrote:

> >   I wonder if some stupid thing, similar to that is at work on the TDI?
>  Drive By Wire. The electronic nanny. :-))
>  Nah, mine behaves about as I think it's supposed to. Diesels just don't
> have much compression braking.
>   Lee
>   Oo-v-oO
>   KB1GNI
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