[Vwdiesel] american choppers???

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Thu Jan 8 11:43:38 EST 2004

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> > i have to admit..though i like this show.
> > maybe its 'orange county choppers?' that one.
> > anyone watch it?
> >
>   Haven't heard of it.  Not sure I'd watch it now!  Why couldn't they have
> beat the crap out of a Gremlin, Vega or Chevette (or Yugo, Fiesta, Tarus...)
> :(

I like the first and second specials they did on Jesse James from West Coast Chopper, was loaded with metal working, lots of shaping, forming, welding, finishing.  The one scene where Jesse is using a gas torch to weld two thin aluminum plates together
for a gas tank while carrying on a full conversation with the commentator is amazing.  Too little of the real hands-on work in the American Chopper show, and I find the father/son bickering gets old after a while.


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