[Vwdiesel] ITS ALIVE........ALIVE I TELL YOU!!!!!

Hayden Chasteen dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 8 20:55:05 EST 2004

Well swapped an NA pump into the caddy today just to make sure 
everything is OK in the engine itself.  Went to fire her up and 
discovered that I had run the battery down,DOH!   Anyway after an hour 
of charging, 4 cranks and she fired right up...in a cloud of smoke!  
Smoke dissipated after a few minutes but will really pump it out when 
you gun it.  I guess that is what happens when you try and run turbo 
injectors with a NA pump.  Anyway, I let it run long enough for the fan 
to come on and then did the 1/4 turn on the head bolts...1-7 went 
without a sound, 8 squeaked and squawked, then 9 and 10 went quietly.  
Now if I can just get that turbo pump...JD Tower are your out 
there!!!!!!!  Tomorrow I intend to put on the rear bumper and license 
lights and the TURBODIESEL badge that I have for it.  As soon as I get 
the correct pump in I will post some more pics to my web page.  Hayden

Visit my website at  www.home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
Proud owner of:
2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI (Will soon be up for sale!)
1998 Jetta TDI (Wetterauer Chipset, 2 1/2" exhaust, K&N Filter, propane 
dual fuel system, 109K+ miles, and running biodiesel)
1981 Rabbit Pickup ( with a freshly rebuilt turbo engine), Will burn 
biodiesel and WVO with a propane injection system.
One, yet to be finished, Caddy trailer (the back end of the truck that 
gave its life to my just completed Rabbit Pickup).
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle (11 Beetles total), to 
Vans (5), Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (5), Passat (1), Dasher 
(1), New Beetle (1), and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not 

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