[Vwdiesel] followup: leaky injection pump / oil pressure light

Mark LaPlante laplante at mac.com
Mon Jan 12 16:25:58 EST 2004

I cleaned the oil pressure switches and connections and went for a 
drive for fuel -- added 8.6 gallons after 317 miles = only about 37 mpg 
(1.6NA / 4-speed). The oil light gradually got dimmer until I couldn't 
see it any more. Maybe I was being fooled by the low light in the 
garage, or maybe it just took a minute or two for the oil to get 
circulating again after sitting a while (?).  When restarting after 
fueling, the light noticeably went out when I started up. I'll have to 
try driving it after dark to see if it is still dimly lit.

Thought about adding an oil pressure gauge. Any leads to gauges and 
senders would be appreciated -- I'd imagine I'd have to install some 
sort of T on the end of the head. (?)

Anyhow, due to school and work commitments, it is going to be a while 
before I can try to fix the diesel leak. Going to just to have to keep 
monitoring it and see if I can determine for sure where it is coming 

The lower radiator hose is looking/feeling a little spongy, and it has 
had diesel dripping on it, so I'm thinking I should replace it. Is 
there anything I can wrap around the new hose to help keep the diesel 
off of it until I get time to tackle the leak? My thoughts are maybe 
duct tape or electrical tape. What do you think (apart from it being a 
lousy solution to the problem)?

Thanks for everyone's help,


On Jan 5, 2004, at 2:32 PM, vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com wrote:

> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 01:42:31 EST
> From: LBaird119 at aol.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] oil pressure light
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Message-ID: <ea.4475ae29.2d2a6157 at aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>   The head sensor should show "failure" if you ground the wire (light
> should come on).  The lower one only activates above ~2200rpm and
> not being grounded sets off the light and buzzer, I think.  They take
> the "W" terminal into account but I don't think there's any connection
> to either the full throttle or idle switches.
>      Loren

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