[Vwdiesel] followup: leaky injection pump / oil pressure light

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jan 12 21:41:27 EST 2004

  The oil light should be on or off.  If it's dim then a sensor is bad or 
it's getting 
"feedback" through another circuit.  If it's still glowing dimly, then try 
the head sensor wire and see if that fixes it. Do the same with the lower 
wire but I think you have to ground it to do this test.  It may not even 
pertain until you're over 2K rpm.
  The fuel leak should be easy to find.  It should take less time to find 
it than painting a hose.  How long it'll take to FIX depends on what you 
find!  :)  Use a can of Brakleen, carb cleaner, etc and clean off the area 
you suspect or that's wet with fuel.  Not the trail, the top of the wet area.
Do it while the engine's warm or use compressed air so that the area is 
dry after you "hose it down."  Idle the engine and see what gets wet.  :)
  If I was going to paint a hose, gas would be one of my last choices of 
solvents that would do the job.  I'd opt for lacquer thinnner, enamel 
alcohol, Brakleen, MEK, wax/grease remover (paint prep).  Something that 
leaves no residue when it dries after wiping off.  Prepped too many cars 
for paint to THINK of using gas to wipe down before paint!  :)

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