[Vwdiesel] Re: alt light not working/stoplight problem

Hayden Chasteen dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 13 21:17:01 EST 2004

Thanks to all who responded with suggestions on my light problems.  the 
tail light/ stop light problem was in fact the ground on the passenger 
side.  Not only was the grounded wire corroded but the connection 
between it and the three ground wires from the lights was corroded 
also.  New connections all around and everything works!  The Alt light 
took a bit more work.  I tested to see if I was getting power at the 
alt on the blue wire - yes.  I tested the blue wire where it goes 
through the firewall - still have power.  I tested the wire where it 
plugs into the gauge cluster - still have power but no light.  Anyway 
after much fiddling, I discovered that when I had removed the printed 
circuit to replace the lights, I had pulled out the plugs for the alt 
lamp and they had not gone back in correctly.  With that fixed the car 
is now ready for inspection, as soon as I get my injection pump back 
from the rebuilders.  I have discovered much to my dismay, that I have 
a pretty constant oil leak from the intermediate shaft.  When I had the 
engine block done, they did the intermediate shaft bearings and 
replaced the shaft and cover.  I had assumed (and we all know what that 
will get you) that they had replaced the seal at the same time, 
apparently  not.  Now when I get the pump back, I will have to take off 
all of the pulleys and the lower belt cover, pull the intermediate 
shaft pulley and replace that seal.  Oh well, small problems.  Hayden

On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 04:07 PM, jd_boldt wrote:

> While it is nice to have the alt light, I have just added a volt or
> Amp gauge when I can't get light to work...
> Caddies have problems with maintaining a good ground in tail lights.
> start there.  I have also replaced my rear bulb 'pigtails' with ones
> out of '81-'84 Rabbits with 'limited' success
> jb
> (thanks for shipping the Ex. Manifold, arrived fine, wife and kid's
> were very excited due to your choice of box (Thinking new toy /
> additional Christmas gift) They'll recover from shock, eventually; as
> I led them on and let them share joy of opening. (they were not
> impressed, as usual)
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Visit my website at  www.home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
Proud owner of:
2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI (Will soon be up for sale!)
1998 Jetta TDI (Wetterauer Chipset, 2 1/2" exhaust, K&N Filter, propane 
dual fuel system, 109K+ miles, and running biodiesel)
1981 Rabbit Pickup ( with a freshly rebuilt turbo engine), Will burn 
biodiesel and WVO with a propane injection system.
One, yet to be finished, Caddy trailer (the back end of the truck that 
gave its life to my just completed Rabbit Pickup).
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle (11 Beetles total), to 
Vans (5), Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (5), Passat (1), Dasher 
(1), New Beetle (1), and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not 

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