[Vwdiesel] Starting a diesel ---- ( out in the cold )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Jan 14 11:01:46 EST 2004

Kevin Jack  the total cold weather experience in this group
is staggering.     So pay attention.

71 winters qualifies me to say a few things.   I am now in my
diesel NIRVANA so all these problems are just play and fun for me.
However I was a street parker at one time -- Ottawa and Montreal.

Read archives,  and next time you shut down drain oil. Then fill with
0 W 30  or a full synthetic.    And install a "fresh" battery.

In Montreal you can get anything you need.     Inverter and use existing
block heater ?,   nah     there are far better ways at hand.

Here is what gets a diesel going   fast turning starter. High cetane number
get a bottle of improver.Advanced timing.

Stay away from starting fluid or be sorry.        More later.             Hagar.          

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