[Vwdiesel] Crankshaft pulleys

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed Jan 14 14:37:24 EST 2004

Hi gang. 
I need a pair of double pulleys for the crank shaft and water pump for an NA
diesel with power steering. Maybe all I need are the crankshaft pulleys, the
pump pulleys may be OK.

The 2 engines I have are both non-power steering (single pulleys) and the
pulleys I pulled from the gasser engine I removed from the "project" jetta
are diferent by the diference in the timing belt widths.. If I had been
replacing a diesel with a gasser, I could have shimmed them out, but since
the diesel belt (and sprocket) is wider, the gassssser pulleys stick out too
far and won't track on the waterpump.

Anything in the junk box??


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