[Vwdiesel] Glow plugs

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sun Jan 18 14:15:12 EST 2004

Dan Stock wrote:
> I have a 1981 Rabbit diesel 1.6na.  It will not start
> and I figured out that all the glow plugs are burnt
> out.  I also checked how long battery voltage was
> reaching the plugs after turning the key.  It was
> around 45 to 50 seconds.  I don`t know how long they
> should get voltage but this seems to long to me. Can
> anyone tell me how long they should get voltage and
> would this be a glow plug relay problem?  If I can`t
> figure it out I am thinking of just using a relay and
> swith to cycle them manualy.

You need two things to get the glow plugs to heat up, you need the voltage to be
present, but if they are burned out, there will be no current flowing.  The heat comes
from the current flowing.  Since you have voltage, its likely the GP relay, fusible
link and wiring is fine.  You need to test the glow plugs to find out if they are
indeed working:


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