[Vwdiesel] bless me father for I have sinned

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sun Jan 25 01:09:44 EST 2004

Well, to gloss over some details I'd rather not get into, I need a good 
body shop in Austin, TX.  I was on a road trip and I live a couple 
hundred miles away in Dallas, so I have no references.  Had to rent a 
car to get home.  Bent up a tie rod and ate a tire not to mention the 
fender around it.  I'm just hoping the tie rod didn't take out the rack 
in it's contortions.  Any list members have any info to help me get a VW 
Diesel back on the road?  I'm faced with either getting it fixed there, 
trying to convince the insurance to tow it up here to fix (not real 
likely) or dredging up a truck and dolly to get it up here to take 
somewhere to fix.  The insurance rep was sort of pushing me to get it 
fixed in Austin, but they were generally #%#@ing me off.  I have no idea 
what to do about it.  If I can just get it fixed there that'd be more or 
less OK with me, but I don't want do drop it off at some random shop and 
then go to pick it up a couple weeks later and realized that they did a 
terrible job. They'd have me at their mercy since I need the car and I 
can't do a lot about it from two hundred miles away. 

Any help would be cool.  At this point, I'm too tired and too depressed 
to really do anything about it, but I really need the car up and running 

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