[Vwdiesel] three questions...

cass iscass at shaw.ca
Wed Jan 28 00:35:46 EST 2004

hi kids..
some basic questions...

is it worth the extra$$$
to bore the  block and buy new pistons?
(i can get pistons for $100.00 each canadian including rings)
reasons why..why not??
this will be my 12th rebuild
in the past ive just re-ringed and honed.
this block would be a fine candidate for re ringing..
what are the benefits to boring?
new pistons?

the motor i have is from a newer version golf ..
going into a older jetta.
after i strip off all the weird mounts n such..
should i be concerned about any *major*differences in the block n such
its looks the same...?
because of newer year?(81 jetta body..87(?) golf motor)


i really like this jetta  81 body.
but i really want a split rear seat that opens into the trunk..
i know this golf (motor) donor has a split rear seat but i dont think it will fit.
did the newer jettas (84+?)have a split rear seat? and 
will they fit(possibly with some mods) into the older jettas????

thanks in advance...

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