[Vwdiesel] Turbo in series or parallel

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Wed Jan 28 06:07:05 EST 2004

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Turbo in series or parallel

> > Loren were you talking about an electric blower fan motor?
> >
> No, I was talking about a supercharger.  Do a quick search on ebay motors
> for supercharger and several GM and Ford come up.  Some are easy to
> adapt to and others not so easy.  They're nice and small, relatively so
> it looks doable. :)  Since the turbo intake would be the easiest to adapt
> to it'd be just as easy to adapt to the turbo as well and two stage it.
>   Somewhere I have a pic of three turbos set up in series on an engine.
>      Loren
> _______________________________________________

    A few years ago, Midwest Aero Restorations here in town rebuilt a P-47.
I don't know the folks there, but the exhaust note of the big radial during
flight tests was distinct enough to inspire curiosity.  Apparently the stock
engine had both a supercharger and a turbocharger, one for low rpm, the
other kicking in higher.  One compressor apparently was mounted towards the
rear of the fuselage and connected by  hoses.  I didn't get to look it over
up close, but apparently the owner decided against connecting both
compressors for reasons of economy or reliability.
    Maybe Val could clarify the set-up, but it made me wonder whether it
would be at all practical to mount a supercharger from a G60 Corrado to a
    Scott Kair

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