[Vwdiesel] RE: Motor Mount

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed Jan 28 22:00:17 EST 2004

> >From what I have read, the poly mounts are not a good idea on diesels as
> the material can't handle any diesel contact. 

It's not that.
in a diesel, the polyurethane doesn't damp well enough, and your fillings
get loose. If you want to use poly mounts in a diesel, save the cash for the
poly mount and just weld it solid.  That way the cash saved can go toward
getting your fillings put back in...

Seriuously, are you using the right mount? rather the correct mount..  Use
the rubber from a 24 valve engine, it's more robust.

 It sounds to me like you
> might have an engine  issue.  If you engine is really running rough or
> bucking during higher RPM operation, it could be destroying the mount.
> I cannot imagine needing to replace the booger every 18 months!  You are
> talking about the front or passenger side mount right?  The one that you
> have to nearly take the engine out to replace?  I have done it a couple
> of times on different vehicles and it is no fun.  One of the mounts that
> I had to replace was on a gasser.  It had a problem with the fuel pump
> and would cut-out on hard right turns.  This made the engine buck badly
> and it tore the mount.  I'm guessing that you have a similar situation
> where your engine is bucking wildly and ruining the front mount as it
> takes the brunt of such movement.
> Chuck Carnohan
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