[Vwdiesel] Duelling alternators

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Jan 30 02:51:38 EST 2004

  Guess there's not a lot of thought to it.  If you want/need the amperage 
and a second one will fit then go for it.  Keep that Boom Boom stereo 
all juiced up, or run a bank of 100W off road halogens, or run that deep 
fryer and produce your own WVO!  ;-)  Gotta keep a lot of pully circumference 

covered in v-belt or it'll slip.

> Awww come folks !  are you ignoring this cause you think I'm nuts !?!?  You
> wouldn't be the first, nor the last :-)
> No I don't want to start a fight with them, I was thinking that if I can't
> fid one that will satisfy me needs, how about 2 at the same time ?  I have a
> 95 TD and have no AC.  I did notice that there was a place for what appears
> to be the AC bracket.  Surely to god it can't be that hard to bolt another
> alternator on.  Then I could have all the amps I want and still run the tach
> !  Any thoughts ?

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