[Vwdiesel] Re: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 8, Issue 40

Libbybapa at wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Thu Jul 1 00:04:00 EDT 2004

I was primarily cruising at 77 mph, except when hitting larger hills where I 
would take them at 55 in 4th.  No on the A/C.  Could have used it on the trip. 
 HOT ( But it's a dry heat).  The car was loaded up with two adults, one 4 
year old, and a bunch of stuff, trunk filled.  Speedo and odo are quite accurate 
judging from police radar boxes and mile markers.  As stated previosly the 
mileage on engine is 293,000.  I bought it with 230.  At the time I thought I 
was crazy buying a car with that many miles on it.  Four years later I know I 
wasn't.  I don't know what work was done on the engine prior to buying the car.  
I bought it from a friend, who bought it from his dad.  Knowing my friend and 
the condition of the car, I can't imagine much was done to it, except what 
was absolutely necessary.  I did change the head gasket when I first got the 
car, as it was leaking oil fairly badly, along with several other seals and 
gaskets.  That's about it on the engine. LOVE that car.  Injection pump was swapped 
with a used one recently, but mileage didn't seem to change at that point in 
It does have the hydraulic lifters.  I think that unless the valve lash is 
adjusted frequently, one does better with hyd.  Most people with pre-86 get 
worse mpg (Hagar excepted).  Fuelling screw is turned down to where it barely 
smokes on full load on big hill, but no sacrifice of performance.
I did have my head redone with a psychiatrist and psychologist, but it didn't 
help my attitude or MPG.  

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