[Vwdiesel] Injection pumps talk --( VE for beginners )

McCanless, James james.mccanless at lmco.com
Tue Jul 6 08:39:27 EDT 2004

Kerma is a provider of aftermarket/performance nozzles for the TDI
crowd. Do a search at www.tdiclub.com and you will find a plethora of


-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
On Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 2:31 AM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Injection pumps talk --( VE for beginners )

Like 57mpg driving the snot out of it, sort of like
it was built to be driven.  Removing stock exhaust from downpipe back,
and adding 2-1/2" pipe with a single flowmaster muffler at the rear
gained five mpg as the Passat used to do 52 consistently, regardless of
driving style it seems. This is imperial gallons btw. 

  Gee, my wife borrowed Dad's Passat recently for a trip to Seattle then

for a trip to Portland.  Made 52mpg US both times.  :)  Dad keeps saying

he needs to get it chipped but too busy to have time to sit and dwell on
long enough to get it done.  Did you gain power as well as mpg from the 
bigger exhaust?  
  I've been tempted to do the exhaust on the Jetta since I can't seem 
to break the 39mpg barrier with it.  It just irks me that several others

(MOST others it seems) do better than that with the "same" car.
  In town I still preffer my Rabbit but on the highway the Passat is 
the winner hands down!  Dad said the only other cars he's owned that 
were as good or possibly a better "road car" was his 70 220D when 
fairly new (but gutless) and his '60 Chevy wagon AFTER he dropped 
the 300hp 327 and higher rear end in it.  Not as civilized but 20mpg 
driving 90mph with gobs of power.

The tdi is just as easy to work on, but
> parts like injectors are much more pricey.  BTW, was it you that 
> recommended Kerma's injectors to me Lee? It's time for a set.

  Ok, what are Kerma's injectos??
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