[Vwdiesel] turbo 1.6 or non turbo advice

Bart Wineland bwinelan at allegheny.edu
Wed Jul 7 13:39:49 EDT 2004


My '89 Jetta with a "rebuilt" 1.6 na engine with 25k miles since I bought 
and installed is smoking blue and using a quart of oil every 200 miles 
already. It starts great and has as much power as ever but is burning oil 
like crazy?? At this point I am figuring on swapping the engine again and 
would like to tear this one down myself  when I have time this winter.
I have a couple leads on engines. One of them is a 1.6 turbo in a '85 Jetta 
my friend has that his son rolled. We believe the engine came through ok 
but he only had the car for 3 days before it was wrecked so don't have 
a  long history with it . I also have a lead on a 1.6 na. I am not at all 
familiar with the turbo and know parts for them are harder to come by and 
more expensive and wonder if the extra h.p. is worth it? Curious if you 
guys could buy either engine for about the same money if you would go with 
the turbo?

thanks for any opinions,


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