[Vwdiesel] IDI vs TDI cars (was droppings #96)
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jul 8 16:36:02 EDT 2004
You're digging your heels in Hagar. The 2003 Jetta TDI is nicer in the
following ways:
Val Christian --- I am in LOVE with the 1984 Turbo 1.6L Rabbit. ---Being in love
means her smelly feet or bad breath ---does not mean a thing.
Quoting Val : long term risk with repairs and old age service
Val you are right on target ---- We should compare a 20 year old Rabbit and a 20 year
old Jetta 2003 TDI.
I am willing to stack "Bunny Bondo" up against any VW for all around performance and
¨cost. -----(except airhead beetle).
Total cost to get : 379.85 US ------- The Golf replacement TDI price 22.791.16 dollars US
Like a lot of my DIY comrades --I got her for scrap (parts) --untested as is. I was making
one Rabbit out of 4. ---My cleanest dirty socks sort of deal.
The LORD was looking out for me again. I feel sorry for the cute girl (Jenny) who traded it in on a
Honda Accord.---- she got hosed. --- I do not know what type of perfume she was using
,but the Bunny still smells REAL nice. Interior nice shape --tires --perfect ---best part I
got a large yellow envelope with old bills.-----DIESEL owners get HOSED.
So why did I not use it for parts only ? ----- I fell in love with the handling and with her make-up
on she is cute.(Bondo) Scott Kair talked me in to trying the turbo (great) and Loren told me to
give her a set of NEW nozzles.(wow).
Was it necessary to spend some money on "Bunny" ? to get her the way she is now ?
YES. New battery --new brake cylinders rear-- new Caliper left front --replaced some
brake steel lines . All was a piece of cake ---except the sandblasting of parts. It took
hours of blasting to clean those RUSTED rear brakes.
Total cost ? --- about 300 dollars Canadian.
I am as fond of electronics as anyone and the first signal I received was long wave radio
on a DIY crystal set (1945) ---now I get signals in GIGA hertz every day. So am I anti TDI ?
not at all.
On the electronic path ---let me say that there are commercial interface available using
windows to control a diesel or anything ---click your mouse to increase fuel ?--- yep-.
Any process can now be controlled using windows.-----do not trash that old 486.
If you guys remember Anne of green gables --and how she hated being called carrothead ?
then you will understand the following.
School trip to Saltholm by cattle barge. I was a redhead with freckles and when the
"Captain" was trying to start the diesel I was in his hair asking questions.
Sir what kind of diesel is this ? --he looked up and said --A GLOWHEAD.--- little did
I know at that time --that he was not making fun of me. It took a blowtorch on the head
to start it. That was my first meeting with a diesel. ( 194X).
Seen a lot of NIFTY diesels since ---like to see a VW Touareg. diesel .
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