[Vwdiesel] RE: tdi vs not

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Jul 9 00:19:57 EDT 2004

In a message dated 7/8/2004 6:35:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
greg4vwparts at hotmail.com writes:

> Okay, but you can change the trannies to get very TDI like, ACN tranny does 
> 75 mph-3000rpm. Our auto tdi is doing around 2800 rpm @75. Very close.

  I don't have the ratios for the TDI trannies but an ACN overall ratio in 
5th is 2.75 an FF is 2.76.  Now that I think of it the Jetta has an ACH 
which is 2.96 overall.  It does about 2800 at 60 IIRC.

> Sorry, but in 1988 when the Golf and Jetta got the bigger windows (no more 
> quarter glass) the actual thickness of the glass changed and you notice the 
> difference-it is obvious to anybody who has owned both. I am not saying my 
> TDI is noisy but I don't find a properly sealed 1.6 noisy either-again 
> different models had different sounds. But nothing is noisier then a TDI 
> started at -40!

  I've driven the Passat a lot but never noticed any difference in the glass. 
  I think Dad's Doge or my 6.2 van (used to, <sniff>) be MUCH noisier, 

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