[Vwdiesel] Off topic - electronic ignition testing

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Sun Jul 11 20:45:55 EDT 2004

  Sounds more like a fuel problem, in fact, sounds exactly like what a lot of
little 2-strokes like chainsaws, etc. suffer from with the diaphram carbs. Get
just a tiny dot of water on a diaphram and it screws it up. Can't suck up fuel
from the tank very easy. Or the really tiny screen filters it has get
clogged. And after awhile, the diaphrams just die and need replacing. 

On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 07:51:55PM -0400, Val Christian wrote:
> OK, I shamelessly admit that this is way off topic.  I've been wrestling with
> a string trimmer (Shindawa 2500ss, aka Green Machine 2500ss) which 
> intermittently starts.  Once started it runs fine (usually for a tankful)
> until I shut it down.  Then it won't start.
> Does anyone have suggestions for bench testing an electronic (magneto) 
> ignition?
> Val
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Harmon Seaver	
Hoka hey!

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