[Vwdiesel] (P1* V1)/T1 = (P2 *V2)/T2 ....Ish

mark SHEPHERD mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Jul 18 12:24:53 EDT 2004

I agree with Val... But its probably time to put thermometers on everything... Make the pump etc  look more like the chap out of 'Hellraiser'  Perhaps the heat comes from the i/p centrifugal pumping which is allowing some of the diesel to slip back before 'going through' again Maybe theres some heat from the block and certainly heat generated by 'hammering' the [as already mentioned] relatively uncompressible fueland then spilling the xs... similar to the destructive resistance of water in the piston chamber :o(

The Miser(UK)

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