[Vwdiesel] Nooo EJ Nooo ;o(

E. J. Gilbert gilbeej at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 10:32:08 EDT 2004

I have an after-market, BAE turbo installed with a standard fuel injection pump ie no spaceship.  The only way that I can see to determine manifold pressure is to tap the intake manifold.

Mark Shepherd <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

No need to touch the i/l manifold just tee into the 1/4 " hose going to the spaceship; using a spare tee from windscreen washer setup.... err for 'hose' read 'pipe' and 'screen' try 'shield'
The MiserUk

Mark (The Miser)Uk 
"There's nothing more stimulating than driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car that's smokin"


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