[Vwdiesel] Hydraulics...

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jul 20 11:28:37 EDT 2004

Quoting sir Osler    " it is always best to do it wrong the first time"   (dissecting).

We may not learn a lot from our mistakes  --but we sure remember them.

  I've been thinking on this what with growing up with many hydraulics on 
tractors, pruning equipment and such plus plans for various hydraulic 
powered devices as well as your basic understanding of conservation of 
Loren and all :
I am no retard when it comes to hydraulics -- but every so often when I
look at the 743 Bobcat sitting right up on its ass -- I feel like a retard.
It first happened in 1992 about.  I left the bucket up in the air --figuring
it would leak down to the ground and stop. I left it overnight . In the morning
the front wheels were about a foot off the ground.The battery was dead and there
was no way of opening rear door to get to battery. Lot of work to get
her mobile again.   She is sitting that way right now (on purpose) so I can
get a picture. That way maybe someone can explain it--it is driving me nuts.
Operational it is no problem ---me not being able to explain it IS. There
is no accumulator storing pressure. It happens when bucket is not lowered all the way
when shut down -- and  bucket hits something part way down.
That is a heavy machine to flip. What gives ?
Hagar .    the retard.
PS: All these years I tried my best to explain it.
PS: Extra for Gilbert --I went to a hardware store and got som vinyl tubing
for my manifold pressure gauge --- works so far.

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