[Vwdiesel] (off) Ford Tractor Diesel

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jul 26 19:10:09 EDT 2004

  The "Farm" has a Ford tractor and from the start they were told it had a 
4000 hour engine.  It now has 4 to 5K on it and is starting to lose some 
poop plus quite a bit of smoke out the blowby vent.  The way they use it, 
it should have a turbo put on it at rebuild time but my uncle has it in his 
head that a turbo works an engine harder and puts more stress on it.  
  They have several tractors with well over 2K up to at least 5k hours 
on them.  I finally got them to use my/Dad's tester and run a few 
injectors while they were out.  Dad was shocked to see that they 
all sprayed quite nicely!  They're a different style injector and seem 
to last longer.
  I'd say a cold starting problem is likely as Hagar suggested, slow 
cranking speed.  I'd try bigger cables or an Optima battery.  I've seen 
both/either do amazing things to cranking speed!  Possibly the grid 
heater isn't working.  They've fought electrical problems ever since they 
blew the fuseable links.  Compression could be getting low too.  I think 
this one's getting a little tough to start but couldn't say for sure.

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