[Vwdiesel] piston meets combustion chamber plug

Bart Wineland bwinelan at allegheny.edu
Wed Jul 28 14:36:54 EDT 2004

While I am getting ready to eventually pull the engine out of my car I 
needed to first get my original '89 na junked engine off my engine stand. 
Tearing it apart to learn what I can and salvage anything worth 
keeping.  Thought if anyone wants to see what happens when a precombustion 
plug comes loose, here is a link to a picture.
The original owner must have driven it some time like this. The hammered 
portion of the piston wore a groove in the cylinder wall until the blow by 
and oil consumption got bad enough that he parked it.   I guess this is 
thankfully not a common occurrence.  Tearing down has prompted a couple 
questions coming soon and also a prayer. "Please God don't let my water 
pump ever fail"  What a bugger it must be getting it out of a car with a/c 
and p/s with the engine in the car.
Bentley shows how to knock the pre combustion plugs out to clean the 
chamber but I would think it is inviting disaster and wonder why they even 
suggest it.


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