[Vwdiesel] Another "Bunny D" in my line-up

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jul 29 11:28:20 EDT 2004

If Hagar made a 1.5 sound like fun ---it was completely intentional.

Long time before I met you guys ---I got a lot of bad advise.  --- Like take
the 1.5 out and put a 1.6 in..      Was told that parts could no longer
be had for the 1.5.

So when I got the 1982 Rabbit with a 1.6    ----- I lopped the 1.5 out in the
back with about 50 other rusting engines.

Wound op going out there later and retrieve the thing.   We can keep the 1.5
going  ---DIY style.    It is a perfect engine for a Welder,Genset,Boat, etc.

Then the fun part ---a test engine on a stand. To test all kinds of things----
like Lorens Toluene Fuel --- or  to see what happens when pump is too far advanced
or too far retarded --------use it for testing spare pumps and injectors----- a real
TOY.     ----- how many 1.5 have I got ?  don't really know  but maybe  4.5.

I can see two of em from whence I sit  ---- one ready to run and one close.
They sit on plywood on the ground.

Not to forget it as a spare for your Jetta --it will get you to the Saltmines.

Do not put milk in your Pepsi .


PS: the 1.5 solution.      The best way I know of to tell a 1.6 is to measure stroke.

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