[Vwdiesel] 'H's meanness..sorry leanness...

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Jun 2 19:45:55 EDT 2004

What actually determines steady state leanness on a turbo diesel?
Here's a few thoughts...
I feel that fiddling with the pumps max fuel screw or 'spaceship' only increases available fueling under acceleration; or creates a relatively rich mixture in the case of the max screw temporarily until the turbo has added more air and 'leaned' out the mixture again. so that you are going at some faster steady-state velocity [not talkin' extreme speeds here. ..just highway crusin']
Is it all down to the injector spray efficiency? 
Great mileage 'H' ...My Quantum now does 60mpg [imp] 47mpg [usa] on a run..Cleaning my injectors [via the fuel tank] helped...not continuous but a yearly 10000mile double tanks worth. My fine weave cloth filters help also...(inspected regularly and discarded when darkening begins to penetrate white cloth).
 Max turbo 9psi ish. Steady state 1 to 2 psi comes in when warm at about 20mph [4thgear]

Mark (The Miser)Uk 
"There's nothing more stimulating than driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car that's smokin"


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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