[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump Strangeness

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jun 13 11:06:40 EDT 2004

>So I recommend to all  uppen coming Hillbilly tuning students to move the
>locknut to the front. Up by the sprocket end.


Because     Hillbilly tuning involves adjusting all the screws a lot of times. 
And moving the lock-nut up at the sprocket end makes it a lot simpler to
adjust on the road.

We are using all kinds of tricks to make adjustments easier  . On the turbo
we need special wrenches especially for the lock-nut on the fueling screw.

To hold fueling screw while doing the lock-nut up is tricky. I use a small
ignition wrench on fueling screw and a modified 12 point box on lock-nut.

I use this opportunity to ask  the NIFTY gang to let us know if they found
a solution. ----- my way can be improved upon.

I found some Bosch books for sale:

  Diesel Fuel Injection
  Diesel Engine Management

These books are not clearly identified.  It sounds like the first one
is for the Bosch VE pumps and the second one is supposed to be a newer
replacement for the first.  Not sure what to go for at this point.  Is
there some clear way to identify the useful books?

Obviously people are tuning their pumps.  But are they rebuilding them
as well?   If one wanted to actually work on the pump, are parts
available?  What special tools are required?

Both books are class A one ---but for the tuners with IRS trouble try to get them
from a public library --- the books are expensive ---and they are not overhaul books.

Gavrik not so fast ---  overhaul is down the line a bit. -but yes parts are to be had.

On the old pumps the two big PITA's is leak from cold start lever --easy fix. And
worn bushings holding main shaft.--difficult fix but bushings are cheap .Shaft seal
change can be done ----Seals available. --- Seal change is a moderately difficult.

The goal is to avoid a complete overhaul --- just because the pump leaks. Sure
worked for me.

Gavrik go for the Management one if you can afford.


PS: My crusade is to get hold of the Bosch overhaul manual used by repair stations.
will let all know if it happens.  I had little troubles taking a VE pump apart.With
Hillbilly tools.Impact screwdriver is desirable ---about 15 dollars for a 3/8 drive.

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